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St Nectan's Church - Welcombe

- caring and sharing His love -

Fete Page of St Nectan's Church - Welcombe Church Fete


The logo of St Nectans Church, Welcombe

 Welcombe Church Fete 2024
 Thursday 15th August 2024

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We hold Welcombe Church Fete every third Thursday of August,
it is a joyous affair which brings together all parts of our special community. 

Welcombe Church Country Fete 2024
 Come and join us in Bell Park, behind Welcombe Church on Thursday the 15th August 2024

 As well as being an important fund raising event and an enjoyable afternoon  we are very keen that the Fete should show visitors something of the diversity of skills, talent and interests which make Welcombe such a special place.    

 Are you able/willing to pledge some help on the day or beforehand?  
If so, and you haven’t yet been collared, please get in touch.
If you are new to the village or haven't been involved before we'd be particularly glad to hear from you as some of us old 'uns get a bit tired!

  How can I help?’  I hear you ask.   

Well, here are a few suggestions

 Get baking
We need lots of cakes, tarts, homemade sweets and breads for the cake stall. Also cakes and scones etc. to go with the teas.   Why not bake some at your leisure and freeze them.

  Get potting!  Can you spare some plants or shrubs for the plant stall?

  Get up in that loft!  Dig out some of those antiques, collectables,
curios and objets d’art for the ‘Out of the attic’ stall.

Please note, no electricals or house clearance items, just nice, good quality things that you are willing to part with. Thank you.

Call Lesley on 01237 441164 for collection or queries.

Get ............!   That bottle of whisky , sherry or vintage claret sitting  in the sideboard is just what we need for the raffle along with posh boxes of chocolates, unwanted presents, Gift vouchers etc.

Toys, Games and CD's would also be very welcome!

  Soaps & toiletries (unused) stationery and decent bric-a-brac for the odds & bobs stall.

  We also want spare crockery for the china smash.

  Last but not least there is that perennial favourite the book stall. Guess what we need for that one?

  Items can be brought along on the morning of the fete  left in the back pews of the Church 
or alternatively please contact me to arrange storage beforehand. Please remember, no electricals or house clearance items

  If you are prepared to help in some way on the day

 please contact me on 01288 331568  

                                           With thanks    

Richard Willows

Would you like to advertise your Business, B&B, Holiday Let etc. in the fete programme for next year, 2025?
For as little as £15? (We can even design your advert if you wish.)
More than 400 programmes are sold every year, to local residents, visitors from the area,
even a good number of people who holiday especially during the week of the fete! 

Just contact Howard on






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