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St Nectan's Church - Welcombe

- caring and sharing His love -

What's on


The logo of St Nectans Church, Welcombe

 See Welcombe Parish Magazine here

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* * * Thursday 15th August Church Fete * * *
Click here for details

 Please go to the Village Facebook page for more local information

 What’s on

Bell ringing practice most Mondays at 7.30pm

Welcombe Village Hall Lunch Club 
Mondays. Contact Sheila Wade
Must be booked in advance.
Sheila Wade 01288 331391

Yoga : Sessions
Tuesdays 10.30am.
Kirstie 01288 331796

Chicks in the sticks
to be confirmed

Stitch Group Wednesdays 10.00am

Bridge Club, Thursdays at 7pm all welcome

Playground users are reminded that the playground is designed & intended for children under 12. The equipment is NOT insured for older users and in particular adults must NOT use the Zipwire.

 Tuesday July 30th , ‘Wild Welcombe afternoon’, 1.30-4.00pm at St Nectan’s church details below.

Saturday 3rd August, ‘Annual Garden Show’ in the Village Hall, all welcome, show entry details have been delivered to all local houses, but more are available in the shop. Entry at 2 pm, Tea and Cakes.

Exhibition of paintings and drawings at the Castle in Bude , 27th July to 15th August

Thursday 15th August , Annual Church fete in the bell park behind the Church,.Stalls, fun for kids, ice creams, dog show, teas and cakes, entry by programme £1

Other local wildlife events, still some to go, see poster

There will be no bookswap in August as the next date would be the day before the fete.The next Meddon quiz will be July 27th. with the next at the end of September

Welcombe Bells

  The Welcombe bell ringers have restarted with ringing at all services where possible. It is intended to practice on Monday nights at least fortnightly.

If you would like to have a go at bell ringing or just come and watch for a while on Monday evenings from 7.30pm contact me on 331700 if you have any questions at all.

Mick Dollimore, Nectans Meadow.





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 Recycling and bins
Click here for the 2024 Collection Calendar for Welcombe


Torridge Household Support Fund. TDC has funding for households struggling with the cost of living, for details click below Household support fund link 




ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LEARNING TO PLAY BRIDGE? Welcombe Bridge Club will be offering weekly teaching sessions at the Welcombe Village Hall from October. Please contact Peter Rosser on 01288 331796 or by email at Bridge club has moved to Thursdays. Bridge Club organiser Stephen Barrett 01237 440032




“The New Welcombe book swap has got off to a great start with a good group of regular swappers coming to enjoy their book choices, a chat with fellow swappers, and the pop up tearoom. We also have some new faces discovering us every fortnight which is fantastic.

The range of books is huge and with regular swappers we have some great new reads every week. The children’s books have increased too and we have a great selection for younger readers and little ones especially. There are also lots of non-fiction from cooking to autobiography, history to gardening and lots of art, craft and hobby books to get you started on something new, or put together a little selection as an extra pressie to pop under the tree this year.

Remember you can buy books if you have none to swap at 50p each otherwise swap for free. We also have some jigsaws now which are only for swapping please and some free magazines.

  Full details of events at Meddon Village Hall, Keep Fit, Pilates , Morsbagging etc can be found on the Meddon website:







Welcombe Church Services

sunday school

Sunday Club

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caring & sharing

St Nectans Church Mission Statement


Bell Ringers Click Here!

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